Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sean turned 9 Months Yesterday

Sean is at the 9 month mark and he has begun the army crawl. He loves scooting around the house and both Rob and I are quickly trying to babyproof our house. A few days ago we went up the canyon for a picnic. We've been enjoying the warm weather and love to go walking in the evenings. Sean loves pulling himself up on the stoller so he can look out and smile at people.


Rob & Karli said...

Isn't it amazing how big they're getting & all of the fun stuff they can do?
Baby proofing the house is going to be a huge undertaking. I can already tell Kade wants to get into everything that he shouldn't. Good luck to us.

christensen crew said...

Oh, he is such a cute little guy! Thanks for coming up to say hello and visit! SOrry it was quite the chaotic afternoon! We need to get together at Zupas this coming week! THursday maybe? Anyway, thanks again. Your blog is darling and I La-La-Love seeing pictures of Sean!

Riley said...

Sean just balled out laughing when he saw this one. He is so cute! Gotta love that smile with Rob!

Brittmae said...

So cute! He is growing up some fast, and I am lucky to see him more than most! Congrats on Best in State--our firm won it in the legal services category and I was pleasantly suprised to see your name in the program!

I should pass on your info to our hospitality person in the office, she is always looking for good catering places.