Thursday, May 8, 2008

Bubble Baths

So this morning Sean starts drinking the bubbles. He would dunk his chin and mouth down and then come back up with a bubbly beard. He loves splashing in the bath too.


Fisher Family said...

Oh, that last picture is just too cute! You can tell he is pretty happy being in that tub! Hope you guys are doing well.

christensen crew said...

Yeah! An update...It is kind of about time! :) Sean is just so sweet. What a handsome little man he is! You guys are doing so great with him, he looks like such a happy and bright little child! How fun...let's get together soon and bring that little guy please!!! Call me okay? It was fun at Tuscany the other night. We always have such a great time with you two....

Take care...Katie C.

Michelle Akauola said...

Oh he is so cute. I bet rob just loves this time. He always has. I just cant belive how fast he grows. Oh and I wanted to tell you that I saw riley on the price is right. He was so funny. That will be an experience he will never forget.

Rob & Karli said...

He is getting sooooo big! I can't believe it. He's adorab;e!

Rookie Dad said...

These pics are great! I hadn't seen any since his first week. I'm sure our Kate will find him devastatingly attractive. Hope everything is going well for you guys!

Riley said...

I love these pictures!!!!! hahahaha