Sunday, August 10, 2008

Grand Cayman Adventure

At the last minute we decided to spontaneously take a trip to the Cayman Islands. We didn't even decide that we were going to go there until we got to the was a coin toss between the Redwoods and Napa Valley or the Cayman Islands. Rob's brother had some buddy passes that were going to expire so were fortunate to be able to take the trip to the Cayman's. We had a great time. My cousin David and his wife Shalynna are living there right now so we got to spend some time with them and they showed us around the island and spoiled us with a deliciosu meal (I'm still craving those cinammon rolls). I understand why they extended their stay there because the beaches and water are gorgeous. My brother Riley met up with us too and he watched Sean while we were scuba-diving. We all went swimming with Sting-Rays...even Sean. I know what you are all thinking...Steve Irwin....but these sting-rays are tame so please don't report me to childcare services. Sean did have a close encounter with one sting-ray who splashed him but other then that we were safe and have a fun vacation.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Summer Vacation....beginning with Father's Day

We've been on the go since Father's Day. If Sean had any kind of nap schedule or routine before our travels then that is absolutely terminated now. He did surprise us last night and went to sleep in about five minutes. That is an all time record. What was funny about last night is that Rob went to go check on him and his pj's were off. I told him that was impossible because they go over his neck and have snaps on the pants not the top. Well...our little houdini some how squirmed out of his pj's because all of the snaps were still snapped together. Sean is in the cruising stage right now. He really wants to walk so he cruises from furniture to furniture and loves crawling up the stairs. He actually sprints up the stairs. One of his favorite things to do is begin slowly crawling up the stairs and then he looks back to see if I'm there and then he takes off into a sprint crawl, giggling the entire time.
I thought I would begin with some snapshots from June and then get as far as I can while Sean is sleeping. We spent Father's Day in Mt. Pleasant with Rob's family and it was a lot of fun because his grandpa was there as well.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Training for the Olympics

We haven't posted for a while because Sean has been in training very hard for the upcoming Olympics. His training includes: the army crawl, crawling through the dining table obstacle course, walking with the help of mom and dad, navigating in the jogger, eating very messy, and splashing in the bath tub. Sean introduced something else to his daily training routine...two bottom teeth.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sean turned 9 Months Yesterday

Sean is at the 9 month mark and he has begun the army crawl. He loves scooting around the house and both Rob and I are quickly trying to babyproof our house. A few days ago we went up the canyon for a picnic. We've been enjoying the warm weather and love to go walking in the evenings. Sean loves pulling himself up on the stoller so he can look out and smile at people.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

More photos with all of the Grandmas

Sean has two wonderful grandmas and four great-grandmothers. Its fun to see all of the different songs and games that they play with him. He is fortunate to have such a loving family. Here are a few photos throughout the year. Some when he was a newborn and others from his blessing. He has another great-grandma that we need to get a photo of ....Grandma Eva who lives in Arizona.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mother's Day!

It was my first Mother's Day as a mother which meant that I received a chocolate at church when they were passing out chocolates. I'm just kidding. It is a great honor to be a mother and I absolutely adore my little son. He brings so much joy to our lives and there is not one day that passes by where I'm not grateful for the little guy. Now that I am an official mother I think I recognize more and more everything that my mom and grandma's did for us growing up. I don't know how they did it but they did and they are great examples in my life. Rob was sweet and bought us tickets to Seattle so I could spend it with my family and grandparents. We had a great time and it was fun to spend Mother's Day with four generations together.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Bubble Baths

So this morning Sean starts drinking the bubbles. He would dunk his chin and mouth down and then come back up with a bubbly beard. He loves splashing in the bath too.